Falafel crunch crusted sweet potato wedges..

 I hope you have a chance to read my guest post for Suzanne this week? It’s all about my fava bean falafel mix and some different ways of using it, as well as making oven baked falafels.

The eagle eyed among you may have noticed that I split the mixture into quarters and shared three different uses for the mixture…this is what I did with the last quarter…  

 I had a theory that it would make a tasty crust in all sorts of dishes, so this was my final experiment. 

I cut a sweet potato into wedges and tossed them in olive oil, then stirred the falafel mixture through them…

  I’ll be honest, it didn’t stick very well, so when I laid the wedges on a baking sheet to roast them, I spooned more onto the individual wedges…

  I then roasted the wedges in an oven preheated to 200C…
As you can see, the crust was on the verge of being overdone, but it still tasted great, and worked well. 

If I was to do it again, I probably par roast the wedges or even par boil them, then toss them in the mixture so that the falafel mix wasn’t roasting for the full length of time again. 

What I can tell you is that the flavours work really well together, and along with some homemade homous, it was lovely plateful of food! I think you could use this mixture as a crust on other things, maybe fish or chicken? Who knows?? 😉 

For full details of the falafel mixture and how to make the actual falafels, refer back to the post on Suzanne’s blog

  For now, I wish you a good Friday and a good weekend, and I’m popping over the Fiesta Friday to see what everyone else has been making. Do visit and say hello to this week’s lovely co hosts, Jhuls and Apsara.


Before I go, I thought I’d share with you the beautiful roses my lovely son gifted me for mothers day last Sunday, just look at the sun streaming through..gorgeous! 


70 thoughts on “Falafel crunch crusted sweet potato wedges..

  1. Anita Kushwaha

    Wow, the recipe and the roses are gorgeous! I love the idea of crusting the sweet potato with the falafel mixture, such a good idea. I’m a big fan of potato wedges and probably bake them up once a week. This has given me a new idea! Happy Friday! 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Anita Kushwaha

        Thanks, Elaine! I’ve actually been out of action this week with a nasty infection, but I’m on the mend – what a relief! – and so I think the weekend is bound to a good once in comparison! xo

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Jhuls

    What a delicious idea, Elaine. I brought some sweet potatoes, too. Great minds think alike, eh? 😀 Such a creative, creative idea and everything is just too good! I really admire your passion and your recipes. It’s always fun to see you at the fiesta. Happy FF! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hilda

    I love how you manage to mix flavours in such an original way. Another great vegetarian recipe! And those beautiful roses look as if they were chosen to highlight your dish!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. apsara

    Who could think of mixing sweet potatoes with a falafel mix, that too made with fava beans? Only a genius like you. I’m ever learning to think out of the box from your posts, Elaine. Thank you for sharing this at Fiesta Fridays. Great to have you around; makes partying a lot of fun. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Lynz Real Cooking

    I like this allot and your mix! I think this would go so well together, I can imagine the flavors Elaine–yummm. Thanks for the tips about what you would do next time! Those are gorgeous flowers and a beautiful picture! xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  6. petra08

    Oh oh oh, what can I say? Brilliant! I am so glad you got featured on FF, I am just thinking when I can do this as it is a must, too delicious not to 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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