Sourdough inspired gift ideas for you, or from you…

In case you’d like some ideas, or to give someone else some ideas for you…😉

My new aprons, details below

🎄🎄 If anyone you know needs some gift inspiration for you, I can offer you these ideas…

🎄 My books:

The Sourdough Whisperer

Pre order my new book for 2023

Whole Grain Sourdough at Home

🎄🎄 And now, my very own brand new aprons! These are the exact make and style of apron that I always wear, and now you can have the same…You can find them via this link – it will take you to the website of the company that produces them where you can order direct. Use code FOODBOD15 for a 15% discount

🎄 Starter zoom class with Milk Street on 5th Feb: use code MAKEBREAD for a discount

🎄 My dried starter and bowls scrapers and more in the UK or in the US

🎄 T shirts and bags

🎄 Flour! (UK only) use code FOODBODFWP for a discount

Let me know what you think..

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