Saag with quinoa and coriander chutney..

 Welcome to Friday and to this week’s Fiesta Friday – please read this week’s post, join the party and put your name down to co host, just like Margy and Su are this week 😉 

For me, I am bringing along one of my lovely lunches from this week, a dish that also provided two more meals on the following days – and only got better each day. I do love leftovers, I love how the flavours develop as time goes on and I love throwing a selection of things together.  

This is based on Whitney’s saag recipe, an Indian dish packed with spinach, kale, garlic, ginger and spices, and I added yoghurt instead of cream. Once all made, I added some cooked quinoa and additional water to create a this protein packed dish, full of goodness..

I also added a coriander chutney to eat with it, I always like an added dip/sauce of some kind.. 

  The chutney is a blend of..

Fresh coriander, stalks and leaves 


Fresh ginger

Green chillies 

Ground cumin


Plain Greek yoghurt

This also lasted well and went with lots of other things I ate this week. 

How good does that look?? Who says eating healthy, tasty, vegetarian food has to be boring? Not in this house 😉 

Can I say it….I love my own food!!! 🙂 

I must tell you about the quinoa that I have been using recently, its from a company called Hodmedods who farm British grown quinoa. It’s a lovely product, it’s has a great flavour and cooks well with my method. And all of the spices and the ‘dubba’ spice tin is from the lovely Spice Kitchen UK. (I am not being paid to tell you about these products, I just like sharing.)

Have a great weekend x 

55 thoughts on “Saag with quinoa and coriander chutney..

      1. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

        I just like to have things like this alongside my meals, I think it comes from living in the Middle East and always being served homous/tahini sauce/some such dip with meals. I always have something like that as an addition at every meal

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Anita Kushwaha

    It looks so delicious! Saag is one of my favourite dishes. I have fond memories of my dad teaching me how to eat with my hands as a very young child with saag and rice. I haven’t made it with kale and quinoa yet but what a great idea! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Life Diet Health

    How come nobody has mentioned your gorgeous bowls & grinder today! 😛 You have such a wonderful collection of crockery… to go with your mouthwatering recipes 🙂 This saag sounds delicious – I’ll be making it soon 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Suchitra

    Elaine, you can put an Indian to shame!! And yes, you can definitely say that you love your own food! Yes, vegetarian food can be better than non-vegetarian! Majority of the Indians are vegetarians and are perfectly fine functioning human beings without any deficits. Like I always say, you don’t have to eat non-vegetarian for functioning. It is a “want” thing rather than a ” need” thing!

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