Pimp Your Veg part 5: vegetable patties/fritters/tikkis/burgers/cakes…

 Making vegetable patties or fritters, or any of the other names in the title, is a great addition to your kitchen repertoire..

a great way of using up raw or cooked vegetables, 

adding flavour with herbs and spices, 

frying or oven baking, 

perfect eaten hot or cold,

creating these wonderful burger shaped goodies is a simple and quick way add more vegetables to your plate…

or for making your own healthy snacks..try one of these mid afternoon instead of something carb or sugar based and boost your energy 🙂 

If you read through just a handful of recipes, of which I have a list of suggestions below, you will see that there is a definite regimen for making patties etc: 

If you are using cooked vegetables, mash them a bit

If you are using raw vegetables, squeeze out as much liquid as possible

Add some flour/grains and an egg for binding OR use cooked beans or pulses to bring the mixture together 

Throw in some cheese for added flavour and texture

Maybe add some chopped nuts or seeds for a crunch and some added protein and goodness 

And always remember to add your choice of herbs/spices and seasoning 

They can all be fried or oven baked – I always prefer oven baking 

I have made a couple of Selma’s fritters recipes recently, sweet potato, courgette and paneer fritters (image at the top of this post) Selma’s romanesco, feta and za’atar cakes (above), and I am sharing with you a selection of some wonderful recipes from my fellow bloggers; I encourage you to have a good look through the list – and feel free to add more links in the comments – then take a look in your fridge and see what needs using up..that’s what I did when I made these sweet potato cakes..remember these babies my fellow bloggers?? 

I hope you’re feeling inspired 🙂 

Why not give some of these a go? 

Courgette fritters from Krystina at Kouzounas Kitchen 

Pan-fried creole cauliflower fritters and Spicy Aloo Ricotta (crumbled paneer) Tikki Sliders from Kellies Food to Glow 

Spicy ricotta crumbled tikki sliders and aloo bread potato cutlets from Sonal at Simply Vegetarian 777

Carrot broccoli fritters and broccoli fritters from Cooking with SJ 

Beetroot carrot spicy fritters from Divalicious Recipes 

Sweet potato burgers from Marisa at Miss Marzipan 

Courgette quinoa burger from Susan at Watch Hatch Fly 

Potato patties from Linda at La Petit Paniere  

So, what will you put together? Have fun concocting your own versions 🙂 

60 thoughts on “Pimp Your Veg part 5: vegetable patties/fritters/tikkis/burgers/cakes…

  1. Susan Edelman

    Beautiful post! I remember making your sweet potato cakes! Delicious. A fritter or a cake makes a nice “centerpiece” to a vegetable meal without the meat! Healthy and great. Thanks for the link back, Lainey😘😘😘!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. apuginthekitchen

    You know I always thought you have to have a list of special ingredients to make a veggie burger, you have taught me you don’t and they can be made with ingredients that you have on hand. I don’t know why I always consididered them such a mystery. You simplified the veggie burger and thanks also for the links to all the recipes.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sallybr

    I want one of each, and then one of each goodie from the link party below, which had my mouth watering…

    I also prefer baking to frying, nothing to do with calories but the mess of dealing with the oil after frying – hate that

    if it works in a hot oven, that’s usually my go to method

    great post, and guess what? Now my comment belongs as a comment, and I did not make a fool of myself (sigh)

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Pingback: Pimp Your Veg part 5: vegetable patties/fritters/tikkis/burgers/cakes… | SurreyKitchen

  5. Divine Spice Box

    Elaine u inspire me !!
    I absolutely love the way you are committed with this series …. every post that i read of urs, it makes me eat healthier. I love your take on recipes and i am personally in love with this collection 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person


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