Tag Archives: my protein

Fabulous roasted beetroot gluten free galette..perfect for Easter!


I’ve been thinking about using coconut oil in pastry for a while; Ben recently had to make pasties at school as part of his cooking lessons and the recipe required lard…I just could not bring myself to buy lard, I’m sorry! So, I countered that lard is a white fat, as is coconut oil, so I sent him with coconut oil instead. He reported back that it worked really well for making pastry, however, he then dropped it all on the floor so we couldn’t taste the final outcome! Oops! 

I have seen so many of you make gorgeous galettes and have been coveting this recipe from Emma at Coconut and Berries for a while, ever since she posted it last year. I have been waiting for a chance to make it when I would have people to share it with; my boys wouldn’t be interested and I’d risk wanting to eat the whole thing! So this week was my monthly ladies lunch, a perfect occasion 🙂 

I served it with tahini sauce, my version of ‘toum’, spiced carrot homous and my shawarma vegetables and quinoa. Big yum! 

When you visit Emma’s blog for the recipe, you will see that the pastry is made with buckwheat flour (gluten free), coconut oil and water, and fresh rosemary but I left out the rosemary for now.  

The cream underneath the beetroot is made off ground almonds, lemon juice and water – hows clever is that?? And it’s so good!!  


The pastry comes together really well. And it cooked well and it tastes GREAT! My guests loved it! And the leftovers were just as good the next day with the rest of the leftovers..my yoghurt dressing, spiced carrot homous and beetroot and tahini dip..

You really have to try it! It’s a great recipe, do click over and have a read 🙂 

So, this week I am bringing this masterpiece (if I say so myself!) so Fiesta Friday to share with all of my blog pals, I can’t wait to see you all! The party this week is hosted by the lovely founder Angie, along with the wonderful, marvellous Prudy and the equally fabulous, gorgeous Jess – what a team!!! now that’s a party you want to get to!

Get over there and see what everyone’s cooking up this weekend, and consider checking out the guidelines and joining in. Happy Easter from (probably) the only home in the UK WITHOUT any chocolate eggs in it!! xx 


You may recall my post last week playing with coconut oil and peanut butter? Well, I used the coconut oil from My Protein again in this galette 🙂 (and they have an entire page of offers that are worth checking out!)