Shawarma spiced vegetables and chickpeas…and why you should be a Fiesta Friday co host..

 This is the kind of food I could, and do, eat daily; packed full of root vegetables and garlic and spices, it’s the kind of thing you’ll find in lots of food publications as something new and exciting at the moment….in my kitchen it’s an old favourite 🙂 

It’s not a long or complicated recipe which is great as I want to also take the opportunity to tell you about being a co host for Fiesta Friday. I have co hosted for Angie several times now and it struck me that maybe not everyone knows what that means or what the undertaking is, so I thought I’d explain it a bit more (it’s okay it’s only brief) and maybe inspire some new co hosts..

What is co hosting?

Fiesta Friday was created by the wonderful Angie as a weekly blog party for bloggers to share posts, chat, meet new bloggers and generally have their own Friday night party, full of international guests, without leaving the house! As a co host your role is to support Angie, because there really is too much to do for one person, but also, it’s a thank you to Angie for creating this great space. 

What does it entail?

To do this, your job as co host is to share the reading of the posts that are linked up, thank the writers for joining the party and commenting on their dish/post/story. There are usually at least two co hosts and you can share the posts between you, and/or read them all.

What are the benefits of co hosting? 

Co hosting gives you the opportunity to mingle with your known fellow bloggers, but also to meet lots of new bloggers, and be inspired by new recipes or stories. And at the same, they get to meet YOU! It’s basically free publicity 🙂 
And…it’s good fun! I always worry whether I’ll be overwhelmed by all of the reading, but I never am, I just enjoy meeting and greeting the bloggers, and seeing lots of amazing food!!!! 

So, I say, do it! Ask Angie if you can get involved…

Now, onto the food..

Basically, all I’ve done here is pan cook a selection of peeled and cubed sweet potato, butternut squash and carrots in a large pan with some coconut oil; along the way I threw in some whole garlic cloves and chickpeas and some shawarma spice mix – a middle eastern spice mix including cinnamon and cloves – but any spice mix of your choice would work. 

If you fancy making a shawarma mix of your own, give this a try:

1 tbsp. cumin

1 tbsp. ground coriander

1 tbsp. garlic powder

1/2 tbsp. paprika

1 tsp. turmeric

1/2 tsp. ground cloves

1/2 tsp. ground cayenne pepper

1 tsp. ground black pepper

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

I add it to lots of vegetable dishes, but it’s also good to mix with plain yogurt and marinade chunks of chicken or lamb in for several hours and then grill it. 

As you cook the vegetables, you will need to add small amounts of water to assist in cooking them through, and loosen the spices from the pan..but the key is to stick with it and give the vegetables a chance to really cook well over a medium heat and maybe even caramelise..

And then eat it that day and for several days after that! Yum! 

Consider topping a portion with tahini sauce or homous too 🙂 

Can I tempt you?? No, okay then, excellent…I can happily eat it all myself! 😉

I’m bring this to share at this week’s Fiesta Friday, co hosted this week by the wonderful Sonal and Petra..pop over and join in and think about co hosting in the future..:)

79 thoughts on “Shawarma spiced vegetables and chickpeas…and why you should be a Fiesta Friday co host..

  1. Angie | FiestaFriday

    Perfect! The recipe perfect, the lead in with what it’s like to be a Fiesta Friday co-host perfect. A perfect post! I actually have never pan cook sweet potatoes before! I usually either roast/bake or steam, but I can give this a try. I bought a jar of tahini, btw. Now tahini is not something you can make from scratch, is it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

      I’m so glad you like – pan cooking sweet potato is lovely, definitely nice to add to the repertoire. And I hope that this inspires some new co hosts 🙂
      You can make your own tahini but you need the right sesame seeds and a very very good blender – and a lot of patience! It takes a while to break down the sesame seeds and get the oil from them, and you end up constantly having to stop the machine and moving the seeds down the sides. I have made it myself, several times, but it’s never as nice. I think you need Ethiopian sesame seeds or something like that…


  2. Kaila (GF Life 24/7)

    Thank you so much for co-hosting! I always love when I’m co-host as well. I love the shawarma mix recipe as well. Right up my alley! Happy FF, and have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

        Thank you, that really is so lovely 🙂 I’ve only really discovered this ability & love for cooking in the last few years; I mean, I’ve always ‘cooked’ but I haven’t always cooked absolutely everything from scratch like I do now, or been so experimental, and I do love it 🙂 I guess the fact that I have the time as well as the inclination helps x

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

        If you visit the fiesta Friday post that I’ve linked to at the bottom of my post you’ll see a lovely post full of last week’s top picks plus all of the party goers posts further down the page. At the bottom of that bit and just above the like button is a little blue box that you click on to add your post, then just follow the directions.
        There is also a page on the FF blog about the guidelines for the weekly blog party 🙂


  3. Anita Kushwaha

    Thanks for sharing your recipe – it looks like a hearty and warm dish for this time of year – and it was also good to learn more about Fiesta Friday. I was always curious about its inner workings! Happy weekend! 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Anita Kushwaha

        Hosting is definitely something I’ll keep in mind. Next time around, I’ll pop over and scope things out. 🙂 The dish is right up my alley…our should I galley, ha ha. 😉 xo

        Liked by 1 person

  4. apsara

    Elaine, you have really got me thinking seriously about co-hosting FF. I’ve wanted to do it all along, but now I know I should. ♥ The spice mix is absolutely awesome, making some soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Jhuls

    Wonderful, wonderful post, Elaine! Co-hosting is such a fun thing to do. I really hope that we will also have new co-hosts for them to experience these things. And what a lovely recipe, too! Happy FF103. Wishing you a lovely weekend with your boys! 🙂 x

    Liked by 2 people

  6. petra08

    I just got a batch of spices that I ordered and I will make your lovely spice mix! Your bowl of vegetable and chickpeas sounds irresistible!
    Great that you mentioned co hosting Fiesta Friday! It is great and what a party to be a part of 🙂 Have a great weekend 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. FrugalHausfrau

    Elaine, this is a gorgeous dish! I love the spice mix, too! I have GOT to try it! I have had more fun the times I’ve hosted FF, and with our newer endeavor (have to put in a plug) Throwback Thursday. Heck, I wouldn’t have “met” so many wonderful bloggers otherwise who have looked, commented, encouraged and challenged my own ideas about food otherwise!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Life Diet Health

    Yumyum! If I call it shawarma do you think the boys will eat it! 😛 I think I might try this for my next ladies who lunch – can’t go wrong with all those lovely spices AND chickpeas in it! 😀 Hosting… sounds great – I’d already emailed Angie when you mentioned it last week! 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Spiced sprouts, farro & pine nuts.. | foodbod

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