Tag Archives: potatoes

Hassleback potatoes..

I’m probably the last person in blogworld to post about hassleback potatoes, but having made them a couple of times this week for my son and his various mates, and watched them scoff them very happily, I thought I’d share it in case it’s useful for anyone over the next few days. I find it a useful way to cook smaller potatoes and create something different, and maybe even a little bit impressive, on the plate..

I also think little ones would also make nice little canapés or buffet bites. 

The best tip I can give you for preparing these, is to sit your potato on a spoon, I used a tablespoon, and slice into them down to the spoons edges, it stops you from cutting all the way through..

Preheat your oven to 200C 

Slice the potatoes, as above, using similar sized potatoes if possible

Place them in the pan and drizzle a little oil over each one; I use rapeseed oil

Sprinkle with a little salt if you like 

Put the in the oven and roast for as long as necessary 

Take out after 20 or so minutes and baste each potato again then put the tray back in

They’ll look like this once they’re done, and you’ll be able to push a sharp knife through the middle.

You can sprinkle with cheese at this point and put them back in the oven to melt it, but to be honest, the cheese pretty much falls off! What stays on is good though..and what falls off creates cheesy wafers in the bottom of the pan..

So, some easy potatoes for the season 🙂

Let me now take the opportunity to wish those of you who celebrate a very Merry Christmas, and happy holidays to everyone. I hope you all enjoy the next few days’ festivities xx 

Now let’s see what everyone’s serving up at this week’s Festive Fiesta Friday..