This is me…

20140203-072249.jpgGood morning/evening/afternoon, whatever bit of the day you are on, I hope it’s a good one!!

I recently wrote this piece for my friends health and fitness blog about my history with food; please do have a read and if you think it may help someone else who is going through any food struggles, please do pass it on. If I can help someone else to not waste years and years fretting about what they eat, it would make me very happy 🙂

Thank you xx

17 thoughts on “This is me…

  1. Laura

    Thank you for sharing – I’m so glad I read it! I think that so many women have similarly unique stories and it is so important that we share them, especially when we’ve made progress for ourselves! You are amazing and strong – and we are so much more than what we eat! xoxo


  2. Lisa

    Elaine, I read your post, and what an inspiring story. I too have noticed what a tremendous difference it makes to eat plant-based, real ingredients. I am making steps every day on my journey to make continuous improvements; it is so good to have encouragement from others who adopt a similar goal. Thanks for sharing!!


  3. Sylvie Charment

    You’ve written a great post there. I have a big relationship with food. I’m not nearly as healthy as you though. There’s a lot I put into my body that is considered “junk” but damn it tastes so good! I admit, I don’t have the strength! However, I’m watching how much of this so called junk I am eating. 🙂 I live in Switzerland. I’m pretty sure it’s illegal for me not to eat chocolate here 😉


  4. Still Times

    Reblogged this on Get The Courage and commented:
    A quote from Elain’s blog The Foodbod, “Now, food is about fun and health and happiness. The list of food and drink that I DON’T consume is far far longer than the the list of those that I DO consume because this is how is choose to live and eat. I only eat food that I like and that I know will nurture my mind and body”.

    Thanks to doncharisma from for sharing and leading me to her blog, it’s quite a read! Enjoy.



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