Let me introduce myself

Update February 2020: I’m so amazed and excited to be able to say that as a direct result of having this blog and then creating my sourdough site, I now have my first ever book coming out in September 2020. I’m amazed, and grateful, and so very excited. Thank you to everyone who has ever commented and liked my posts, thank you for your wonderful support xx

Update January 2019: as a direct result of this blog I have now created a whole new website and a whole new world…foodbod sourdough shares everything I have learned about sourdough, hints, tips, my master recipe & process, plus lots of other recipes using sourdough starter. This blog will continue too, albeit that I might not be posting as regularly as I used too..

Update January 2016: I wrote the introduction below when I first started my blog in October 2013; everything that I wrote still stands, and I am now cooking more than ever, I appear to have discovered a fearlessness in the kitchen that I never knew I had and I love it! I love playing and creating, and sharing it all with my lovely blog family and readers. The most amazing thing about having this blog, and so completely unexpected, is that I have met a whole new world of wonderful people, made some truly special friends and learnt endless things, and cooked many many new dishes from many different parts of the world, all from starting this blog.

I have now definitely found a really strong path for my food and recipes, so you will find a huge collection of vegetable based recipes, lots to satisfy vegetarian and vegan diets, lots of ideas for side dishes or light lunches, plus lots of healthy dishes, lots of gluten free options, sugar free options and dairy free options. You will also find lots of Eastern influences, lots of great spices, lots of focus on flavour and goodness.

I hope you like it 🙂

Original intro: I was introduced to the word ‘balaboosta’ recently, which means ‘the perfect housewife’ in Yiddish, someone who loves to feed and nurture her family. So, I’ve decided, that when people ask me what I do, that will be my answer, rather than saying I’m at home full time or that I’m a Mum, as some people seem to struggle with how to respond to that answer! I am a balaboosta and proud of it.

In April 2012 my beautiful best friend died of a vicious, rare cancer, aged only 43 and leaving four year old twin boys without their Mum. It was the most heart breaking experience of my entire life and lead me to look at my priorities.

All Caroline ever wanted to be was a Mum and I decided that I would do what she now couldn’t, and concentrate solely on my family. I’m so lucky that it works for my family, I know not everyone is as lucky.

So, as of the start of 2013, I am a full time Mum and wife and I am so lucky that I am able to spend lots of time cooking and baking and creating and trying out new foods and recipes and my son and husband are loving it!

I had always been interested in cooking but in previous years, hadn’t had the time or inclination to get truly involved with making everything from scratch and spending hours in the kitchen – when my son was a baby I used to make everything from scratch for him but then life got busy with work and being a Mum and things changed – but now I did have time and lots of inclination, so I started reading recipes and stocking up on ingredients and haven’t stopped cooking since!

I used to live in the Middle East and have always said that my favourite food was Lebanese food and that my last meal would be a Lebanese mezze, and now realising that any day could be your last day, why not eat Lebanese food everyday?? So that’s where I started perfecting my own homous and baba ganoush and shish taouk for my boys, all the things we love to eat every time we visit the UAE.

And I haven’t just stuck to Lebanese dishes, although they are probably may favourite collection of flavours, I cook a lot of other Middle Eastern dishes, as well as Indian, Mexican, Spanish, Italian and lots of others.

I am vegetarian and I prefer healthy choices, enjoying food full of goodness and fresh ingredients; I like to eat foods that I know are doing me good and looking after my body and mind, so my blog includes a variety of recipes, including vegetarian, vegan, dairy free, sugar free, gluten free, fat free, super healthy, happy food; I also cook non vegetarian, more typical dishes for my family, so will be posting a quite mix of recipes on here!

I hope you enjoy my blog
Elaine x

Email: foodbodATicloudDOTcom

312 thoughts on “Let me introduce myself

  1. apsara

    Hi Elaine, that is a touching description of the event that changed your life. It’s true, staying at home and just spending time cooking and creating food for the family is rewarding in many ways. I discovered the joys of blogging around the same time as you, and hope to learn more from your blog…


      1. annetbell

        As I teacher, I think the greatest gift a family can give their children is to have one of the parents home. These years fly by never to be replaced with the little ones. I know lots of families are not able to make it without both parents working. I had to work during my husband’s graduate school, but I did stay home for 17 years. . . the best, hardest job I ever had!


      2. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

        I know, I completely agree. I’ve never worked full time since having Ben and I started my own business when he started school, so I’ve been able to be at every event (and there’s been A LOT, he broke every record at his middle school for taking part in inter school sporting and academic events!!) and at the school gates both ends of every day and home with him every holiday. Being at home full time now is a real gift, we spend so much time together (also as I only have one child!), this is the time he will remember and I love every minute. He is literally the person I spend most time with in the whole world xx


      1. annetbell

        I wish there was another way to honor blogs other than the current awards. It is time consuming and then people refuse because they don’t want to complete the process. Individual comments mean more in the long run, but there are new bloggers who are quite excited. I received a few in India but just ignore them because I just couldn’t them then, but I remember the first one I actually worked hours to complete from Deo. Do you think there are some alternative “atta boy/girl” available to use?


      2. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

        This was the route of my Why we blog.. series really, it’s my way of sharing blogs I love with other people. Being sent awards is such an honour and always so lovely that someone has taken their time to honour me, but then I get too distressed about choosing blogs to pass them on to in case I miss out someone I love!!!
        I know that my series has already introduced some new blogs to some new people and I’m really pleased it’s happening that way xx


      3. annetbell

        So are you going to refuse awards when they are offered to you ? I struggle with this so, it seems so unfriendly to deny a gift that is given in love. But when I am doing them I don’t always feel so friendly until the whole process is done. I am enjoying your series…really quite lovely, you know!


      1. Still Times

        Hi Elaine,

        Thank you for responding and sorry about my late response. We found tofu to be a great alternative to beef and pork. While we still eat both our consumption is very limited. My 15 year old daughter is weaning herself off of any meat products as well. We are finding that lately (in this area) our beef and pork has an aftertaste or a funny taste. We can’t quite pin point it, but I know it’s there. Anyway, we are trying to find other alternatives to use as we were once a very big meat and potato family.


      2. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

        Golly, that sounds worrying, a strange aftertaste?? I’m afraid don’t eat meat replacements; I’m vegetarian because I love vegetables and salads and I love adding all sorts of wonderful flavours to vegetable dishes; I eat this way because it makes my heart, mind and body happy, not to replace meat, if you read ‘My food story’ it will explain ☺️
        Several of my lovely fellow bloggers do cook with tofu however, check out http://simplyvegetarian777.wordpress.com/?s=Tofu as an example, or http://loveandlentils.com/?s=Tofu


  2. Pingback: Why we blog.. Selma’s Table | Selma's Table

  3. wsmarble

    I think your priorities could not be better organized than you have done and stated here. Also, I wish we lived somewhere within the scent radius of your kitchen!


  4. Pingback: The Angel Award – Thanks Angie :) | Don Charisma

      1. annetbell

        I saw your post. Don did the same thing. Who knows? There is no right and wrong on this . I was excited to finally able to embed the addresses! Oyia was very persistent!


  5. Pingback: The Butterfly Light Award … Disco Flutterby Award :) | Don Charisma

  6. Pingback: The Inner Peace Award | Don Charisma

  7. Pingback: Why We Blog – My Interview with Foodbod | Ekaterina Botziou

  8. chinskitchen

    Hi Elaine,

    Such a beautiful write up and so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. Life has many challenges and obstacles, we have to face each and every one of those. I remember my upbringing was with my mum being home full time and that was beautiful, I have been fortunate to have been home for a year after having my daughter, nonetheless it hasn’t been an easy ride with my health but I’ve been grateful to have had that time before I return back to full time work, it will be tough but sometimes have no choice.
    Enjoy your time with your family, it’s very important and those special moments make it even more beautiful :))


    1. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

      Thank you so much for your lovely words, Chintal 🙂 I do cherish this time with my son, I know I’m very lucky to be at home and I also know how much my husband and son have benefitted, which is wonderful xx


  9. Pingback: The Most Influential Blogger Award | Don Charisma

  10. annainternational

    Hi Elaine, just found your blog through Fiesta Friday (I’ve been away a while but now I am back at the party!) and read this moving story. I am sure Caroline would think it is a wonderful thing how she inspired you to begin down a new and obviously very exciting path in life.
    Totally love Lebanese food and would love to visit one day, in the meantime I will just have to try a few of your recipes!


    1. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

      Thank you so much for your lovely words, Anna, Caroline was always so supportive and believed in every I did and I’m sure she would love the blog.
      If you do try any of my recipes do let me know 🙂 take care x


  11. crendina

    Hello Elaine,nice to meet you!Fiesta Friday is a great way to discover new great blog like yours! I love ethnic cooking, also Lebanese, even if i don’t cook it very often.. here I’ll find some usefull advices, i think 🙂 See you at the next FF!Cris


  12. Pingback: Very Inspiring Award | Live Life Fully!

  13. flavourphotos

    I’m reading your post with tears in my eyes. I’m sitting at my friend’s house babysitting her two young children, 5 and 7. This is the first time that she’s gone out with friends after her husband died in May (after being diagnosed with a brain tumour five weeks before!).
    It’s utterly heartbreaking and I can feel your pain to loose someone you loved.
    Was going to email you but didn’t see a direct contact… With best wishes, Chava


  14. Pingback: Thank you @foodbodfood for your kind donation £930 raised #Charity #Blogging | Milton Keynes Mums

  15. Pingback: Daydream Believer | It Goes On

  16. moldydaisy

    Today is my first day looking at your blog, and I have to say, I love it!! All this food seems delicious, but even more than that, you seem like a wonderful person and I look forward to hearing what you have to say 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Pingback: Thunder…. downunder | It Goes On

  18. skd

    Elaine dear, could you please let me know about Selma. I was shocked to read your tribute and then Sonal’s. Is she not amongst us anymore.


  19. Life Diet Health

    Hello Elaine 🙂 I’m so happy to have found you through Fiesta Friday! 🙂 Whilst the story of losing your best friend is upsetting, I am so pleased that you had the inspiration to act positively. 🙂 I’ve only had a quick look around your site but I’m loving what I’ve seen! Looking forward to more delicious recipes from you… I need that mouth-watering cauliflower! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  20. annetbell

    My friend, would check to see if you can see my blog for me? Another blogger said it was “unavailable ” on his screen . Yesterday Shaun Gibson was hacked and lots his FB page. . . I can see the blog . Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Pingback: November – Rice and Grilled Veggie Bowls | spades, spatulas & spoons

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