My idea of ‘fast food’…

I don’t eat what is typically called ‘fast food’. I don’t buy or eat any ready made foods, I make everything I eat. I therefore make sure that my fridge contains things that I’ve made, various dishes, sauces, dips, prepared vegetables, cooked grains, at all times, so that I always have choices of my own food readily available. On the very rare occasion that I haven’t got anything immediately and readily available, and I’m hungry and want something NOW, I reach for the eggs…

Eggs cooked in a tomato sauce is my ‘fast food’.

I’ve always got eggs, and I’ve always got a jar of passata (sieved tomatoes), so that becomes my starting point, and then I add whatever takes my fancy from my fridge or kitchen cupboards. This can include any leftover vegetables, as below, any veg that needs using up (like the spinach included above), herbs, spices, chilli sauces, whatever takes my fancy…

And then I make holes in the mix and crack eggs into them and cook them through.

I usually then also add grated or chunks of cheese (as you can see on all three concoctions), sometimes I sprinkle over seeds or nuts, and very quickly, and simply, I’ve got a filling, tasty, healthy, colourful meal….

This can also be a perfect way to top up on protein for a vegetarian like me, particularly after exercise.

If you already make similar dishes, or fancy giving one a go, just grab some passata or tinned tomatoes and start building a sauce; look around your kitchen and take inspiration from what your fridge or cupboards have to offer, and add some texture and flavour and substance; then once you’re happy with it, make wells in the mixture and break eggs into them and cook.

Then, do as I do, and eat it straight from the pan! Perfect!!! That’s your meal right there – fast and fabulous 🙂

38 thoughts on “My idea of ‘fast food’…

  1. sallybr

    your post reminded me of a book by Jacques Pepin (I adore him) called Fast Food My Way.. you could definitely have a “Fast Food, Elaine’s Way” 😉

    I love the eggs in tomato sauce, my problem is that I feel the intense desire to have half a loaf of bread with it, BUT I suppose if I would go for garbanzo beans, they would provide me with that texture I crave.. I am never fully satisfied with a meal unless there is that addiitonal texture

    beautiful photos, as usual, Elaine…

    and now you did it, I just arrived back from lunch and I am salivating…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

      Ooh, I don’t know that book, I’ll have to look it up 🙂
      I think this kind of dish is perfect food for pimping, it can be as little or as much as you need it to be.
      Thank you for your lovely comments, sorry for making you salivate though!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. sallybr

    by the way, that book is great, then he wrote another one as a continuation, I think it’s called More Fast Food My Way, or something – that book is really disappointing, I gave it away to a library… but the first one, superb!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Eha

    *smile* Even when a city gal I always thought home made was faster, cheaper, healthier and tastier – very much a la you! Now living rurally the nearest ‘takeaway’ being some 40 kms away, a lot of your kind of dishes have become delightful second nature . . . the last time I had a burger from a shop was a couple of decades ago and I have not missed the same one iota !! [Oh, love going to restaurants to eat: in Australia the choice, especially of Asian ones, is delightfully mind-blowing!]

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Laura @ Feast Wisely

    Great post Elaine and I’m the same as you – my last ‘fast food’ was around 8 years ago when I had a burger in Asia after being ill for a week and not benign able to face the local food. It made me feel worse! Like you in a fan of having a few dips in the fridge and my fast dinner go-to would be eggs or sardines on toast!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. FrugalHausfrau

    What a fun post Elaine. I like to do something similar. Especially now that I’m back at home and don’t have to worry about anyone else’s tastes! I love that you eat out of the pan! I hate to say it but sometimes I’ll just leave the pan on the stove and grab a bite or two standing there when I’m having a busy morning!

    I love Jaques, too. When my home was broken into last year, some of the oddest things were taken – including Jacques cookbooks! But no other cookbooks, I don’t think…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. FrugalHausfrau

        Ok, I could get over things like the tv’s, my freezer, vacuums, tools, you know, the everyday stuff. It was things like my cookbooks and little personal things that are still making me nuts!! And those cookbooks were so beautiful!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: How to eat as a vegetarian… | foodbod

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