How to feed a vegetarian this holiday season: ask! (And new tips for roasting veg) 

And I don’t necessarily mean ask me, although of course you can, and I’m only too happy to help, but mainly I mean: ask them!

I’ve said it before, probably around this same time last year, but I’ll keep saying it: ask your vegetarian, or vegan, or food intolerant, guest what they’d like to eat. Don’t guess, don’t give yourself the stress of trying to figure it out if you’re not sure. Call them, email them, ask them what kind of dish they’d like. If they’re anything like me, they’ll be grateful that you asked, and relieved that they know they’ll be catered for. Please. Make your life simple 🙂

And once you know what they’d like, I of course offer you my entire collection of recipes, I hope something may be of use.

In the meantime, I’d like to offer a couple of new ideas (to me anyway) for roasting vegetables, in particular carrots…

 Roasted carrots are so tasty, but sometimes it takes so long to get them cooked through, that they can get almost overcooked in your attempts to roast them. When I read this tip on Sally’s lovely blog, I immediately tried it and it works very well. I HIGHLY recommend that you try it out, with carrots and other dense vegetables, particularly root vegetables. 

Once you’ve tried that, try this…this is a tip from Jamie Oliver, so it must be good mustn’t it?!

When you come to toss your carrots in olive oil, add some cumin seeds and an acid element…in this case I used apple cider vinegar, and it really, really brings out their flavour..

Mr Oliver offers up various ideas for various vegetables including different oils, vinegars, herbs and spices, its definitely worth looking up for your Christmas table. 

Two tips I highly recommend, and great for me to learn new ideas for roasting vegetables – and I thought I knew them all!

I’ll be taking these along to this week’s Fiesta Friday, co hosted this week by Judi and Sandhya, why not check it out and get some other new ideas for your celebration meals? 

Happy weekend! 

31 thoughts on “How to feed a vegetarian this holiday season: ask! (And new tips for roasting veg) 

  1. Laura @ Feast Wisely

    Elaine – I fondly remember similar words from you last year – they resonate even more with me 12 months on since cutting back meat to an occasional meal every few weeks – great tip on the acid element for carrots too – I’ll be putting that into practice on Xmas day!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. anotherfoodieblogger

    Thanks for the roasting tip! I’ve got friends with special diet needs and always ask them first instead of guessing, that’s for sure. It’s not like being vegetarian or gluten-free is a disease, lol! Good reminder for all that it’s OK to ask. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jhuls

    Oh those beautiful carrots! Thanks to you and Sally for the tips. Roasting veggies is a very easy job, but I don’t know why I can’t make them everyday! Maybe it’s the slicing part! 😀 I should try and get some slim whole carrots like yours. I am sure this roasted carrots were superb! Happy FF, Elaine and have a fab weekend! 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bunny Eats Design

    Great tips! I love roast carrots and I’m not a vegetarian. I always make sure my vegetarian friends are catered for but I don’t usually ask. Your post has inspired me to ask next time.

    This post would make a great addition to Our Growing Edge, a link up just for new food adventures. It’s a fun way to share your new food experiences and flavours with other foodies. This month’s theme is FESTIVE FEEDS.

    More info including how to submit your link here:

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  5. Pingback: Just in time for Easter! – Veganbeb

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