Perfect crispy roast potatoes..and parsnips…but mostly, perfect crispy roast potatoes 😀

This is an old post (as the photos show!) but it’s one of the most popular on my blog so I thought I’d reblog it…it’s the time of year for roast potatoes, so get them crispy!



’tis the time of year for roast dinners and beautiful roast potatoes and vegetables, although in my house, a roast is welcome any time of year!!

When I married my husband, I promised to love and cherish him til death do us part….AND learn how to cook a perfect roast!! Maybe not quite as official as that, but it was something I knew he loved to eat and I wanted to learn to make a good roast dinner (as good as, if not better than his Mum’s!!) and now, both of my boys love nothing more than roast chicken with all the trimmings including perfect crispy roast potatoes. I remember the roast dinners of my childhood and the potatoes were always the star dish ⭐️

This weekend I made a roast for my boys and our visitors and took some photos and notes as I made the roast potatoes in…

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34 thoughts on “Perfect crispy roast potatoes..and parsnips…but mostly, perfect crispy roast potatoes 😀

  1. Laura @ Feast Wisely

    Elaine – how I miss weekly roast dinners in Australia – somehow its not the same when it’s hot outside. But I still make lots of roasties. I just checked out your original post and I’d recommend experimenting with duck fat or beef suet in place of the vegetable oil – both are much better for you and produce an even better crispy finish!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Elaine @ foodbod Post author

      I do use duck fat on occasion for my boys but I don’t like the taste myself, I do agree it gets them even crispier!
      I always used to find it really odd when I lived in Dubai that people still cooked roast dinners every Sunday – firstly it wasn’t even a weekend day out there and secondly, who wants a roast in the heat??!!

      Liked by 1 person


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